When I was small

mit     juk-o:-lu-kE     mit     kune     ataq-u-l     bude:    
we   small-V-1/2-DS   we   ten   two-0-AN   on  
O:r-pE-lEk     No:-d'i:li.    
child-PL-PRED   be-1PL  

When we were small we were twelve children.

taN     mit     modo-lu-kE     tuda:     modo-lu-kE     {b'ednIj}-d'E-k    
DP   we   sit-1/2-DS   earlier   sit-1/2-DS   poor-IMPF.PART-PRED  
nuZuNo:-t     modo-jo:n-pE     No:-d'i:li.    
poor-SS.IMPF   sit-SUBN-PL   be-1PL  

We lived in poverty.

The syntactic function of the word b'ednIjd'Ek is unclear.

ta-N     [modo-lu-kE]     modo-lu-kE     aji:     tetc'e:-pE     emej-gElE    
that-ATTR   sit-1/2-DS   sit-1/2-DS   also   rich.person-PL   mother-ACC  
joujE     a:-S-tin     mure     a:-S-tin     je:n     numO    
net   make-CAUS-SUP   shoes   make-CAUS-SUP   other   house  
aGurpE-S-nu-Nam     a:-S-u-t.    
suffer-CAUS-IMPF-TR.3PL   make-CAUS-0-SS.IMPF  

When we lived, the rich people from another house tortured my mother, forcing her to make fish nets and shoes.

The word numO is uninflected.

d'E     leme-gEn     a:-tE-mEt,     {a}     mit     tit-i-n    
DP   what-PROL   make-FUT-TR.2PL   but   we   you.PL-0-DAT  
kej-tE-j,     irk-i-n     {tar'elka}-k     {il'i     Ze}     irk-i-n    
give-FUT-TR.1PL   one-0-ATTR   plate-PRED   or   DP   one-0-ATTR  
{kruZka}-k     kej-tE-l     tet     l'E-gEt     tet     uj-l-o:-l-gEt    
mug-PRED   give-FUT-OF.1PL   you   be-ABL   you   do-0-RES-AN-ABL  
{jesl'i}     joujE     ultE-llE     kej-lu-kEnE     {i}     mure    
if   net   tie-SS.PERF   give-1/2-DS.COND   and   shoes  
a:-dEllE     kej-lu-kEnE.    
make-SS.PERF   give-1/2-DS.COND  

They said: "We will give you one plate or mug of food for the work you have done, if you finish the net and the shoes and give them to us."

d'E     mit     tamuN-Nin     mo-d'i:li,     c'om-o:-l-bEn-gE     mo-d'i:li    
DP   we   that-DAT   say-1PL   big-RES-AN-N-LOC   say-1PL  
emej-Nin,     emme:     qon-d'i:li     jaq.    
mother-DAT   mum   go-1PL   DP  

One Sunday we said to our mother: "Mother, let's go.

tetc'e:-pE-Nin     qon-d'i:li.    
rich.person-PL-DAT   go-1PL  

Let's go to the rich people.

mit-kElE     {moZet}     ibiSi:-lE     kej-Ni-tE-m,     legul-E     kej-Ni-tE-m,    
we-ACC   perhaps   milk-ACC   give-PL-FUT-TR.3   food-ACC   give-PL-FUT-TR.3  
anil-E     kej-Ni-tE-m     {il'i     Ze}     c'u:l-E     kej-Ni-tE-m.    
fish-ACC   give-PL-FUT-TR.3   or   DP   meat-ACC   give-PL-FUT-TR.3  

Perhaps they will give us some milk, food, fish or meat."


That's what happened.

d'E     keb-e-s'i:li.    
DP   leave-PERF-1PL  

So we went.

keb-e-s'i:li,     Ojl'E.    
leave-PERF-1PL   no  

We went, but no!

modo-i:li,     modo-i:li,     {celIj     poc't'i}     ataq-u-n     c'as-kE    
sit-1PL   sit-1PL   whole   almost   two-0-ATTR   hour-LOC  
modo-i:li,     tittE-n'E     n'e:d'i:-t     parc'EGE-t     modo-i:li.    
sit-1PL   they-COM   tell-SS.IMPF   chat-SS.IMPF   sit-1PL  

We sat almost two hours talking and chatting with them.

n'E,     {pustoj}     c'aj-Ek     o:ZE-S-NilE,     irk-i-n     l'EgE    
NEG   empty   tea-PRED   drink-CAUS-OF.3PL   one-0-ATTR   DP  

No! They only gave us tea without anything else, one mug.


That's what happened.

d'E     ta:-t-bEn     o:-gE-n,     keb-e-s'i:li.    
DP   there-ADV.ABL-N   be-HORT-3SG   leave-PERF-1PL  

So we left.

es'e:     jo:l'E-j,     punbur-gE     qod-o:-j,     {arema'tis}-kE     jo:l'E-t    
father   illness-3SG   bed-LOC   lie-RES-3SG   reumatismus-LOC   illness-SS.IMPF  
qod-o:-j     noj-gEn     nugen-gEn.    
lie-RES-3SG   leg-PROL   arm-PROL  

Our father lay in bed ill with rheumatism in his legs and arms.

kin     mit-i-n     {promISl'aj}-tE-m?    
who   we-0-DAT   provide-FUT-INTER.3SG  

Who would hunt for us?

mit-l'E     {promISl'aj}-tE-j     SoromE     Ojl'E.    
we-POSS   provide-FUT-IMPF.PART   man   no  

We did not have a person who could hunt.

The word mitl'E is here pronounced as mi:l'E.


That's what happened.

ta:-t     d'E     emej     mon-i,     lem-dik     a:-tE-mEt,    
there-ADV.ABL   DP   mother   say-3SG   what-PRED   make-FUT-TR.2PL  

Then our mother said: "What can you do?

{ras}     Ojl'E,     Ojl'E,     mon-i,     [n'E-leme]     n'E-leme    
if   no   no   say-3SG   NEG-what   NEG-what  
l'E     Ojl'E.    
DP   no  

If nothing, nothing. There is nothing."

l'E-lEk     oN-d'E     Sa:l-Ek     Sej-rE-mlE,     {c'urka}-lEk,     titi-me:-j    
be-PRED   wet-IMPF.PART   tree-PRED   enter-TR-OF.3SG   chock-PRED   like-QUAL-IMPF.PART  
{c'urka}-k,     oN-d'E     Sa:l.    
chock-PRED   wet-IMPF.PART   tree  

She brought a damp stick, a chock of wood.

tamun-gElE     Sa-n-Ga:r-dE-jlE     lon-dE-m.    
that-ACC   tree-GEN-skin-3-ACC   take.down-TR-TR.3SG  

She took the bark from it.

lon-dE-llE     ta:-N     Sa-n-Ga:r-gi     l'e:-nu-mlE     lon-c'i:-mlE.    
take.down-TR-SS.PERF   there-ATTR   tree-GEN-skin-3   be-IMPF-OF.3SG   take.down-ITER-OF.3SG  

She took the bark from it.

[b'elIj]     pon'-qE     Sa-n-Ga:r-gi     pudebE-dE-jlE     lon-dE-m     l'E-dE-jlE    
white   white-ADJ   tree-GEN-skin-3   surface-3-ACC   take.down-TR-TR.3SG   be-3-ACC  

She took the top of the white bark from it.

ti-N     Sa-n-Ga:r-dE-jlE     lon-dE-m,     ti:     [b'elIj]     pon'-qE    
this-ATTR   tree-GEN-skin-3-ACC   take.down-TR-TR.3SG   here   white   white-ADJ  
Sa-n-Ga:r-Ek     l'E-l,     l'E-gi     Sure-gi.    
tree-GEN-skin-PRED   be-SF   be-3   body-3  

She took off that bark. There is tree with bark that makes its trunk white.

tamun-gElE     c'oGojE-lE     no:-m.    
that-ACC   knife-INSTR   scrape-TR.3SG  

She scraped it with a knife.

no:-dEllE     [ta:-t     ta:-t     modo-t]     ta:-t     modo-t    
scrape-SS.PERF   there-ADV.ABL   there-ADV.ABL   sit-SS.IMPF   there-ADV.ABL   sit-SS.IMPF  
ta:-t     no:-m.    
there-ADV.ABL   scrape-TR.3SG  

She sat like that and scraped it.

This sentence was accompanied by gestures.

no:-dEllE     ti-N     [l'E-gi]     l'E-gi     qa:r-gi     l'E    
scrape-SS.PERF   this-ATTR   be-3   be-3   skin-3   be  
tite     kude:-nu-j.    
like   become-IMPF-3SG  

When she scraped it, the bark became like that.

ta:-t     jodo-dE-t     ta:     jodo-dE-t     jodo-dE-t     l'EdEgEn    
there-ADV.ABL   turn-INTR-SS.IMPF   there   turn-INTR-SS.IMPF   turn-INTR-SS.IMPF   DP  
titi-me:     Sa:l-gEt     So:nbE     tite     gude:-nu-j,     [poluc'ajets'a].    
like-QUAL   tree-ABL   fat   like   become-IMPF-3SG   becomes  

When you turn it, it becomes like lard.

The word titime: is here pronounced as time:.

{nu}     ta:-t     tamun-gElE     c'ou-nu-m     ta:-t.    
DP   there-ADV.ABL   that-ACC   cut-IMPF-TR.3SG   there-ADV.ABL  

She cut it.

c'ou-nu-llE     c'ou-nu-llE     {kaSa}=No:n     u-ji:-m.    
cut-IMPF-SS.PERF   cut-IMPF-SS.PERF   gruel-TRANS   do-ITER-TR.3SG  

She cut it and made gruel out of it.

{vot},     {kaSa}=No:n     u-ji:-m.    
so   gruel-TRANS   do-ITER-TR.3SG  

She made gruel.

[tamun]     tamun     {kakoj     kaSa}     No:-tE-j?    
that   that   which   gruel   be-FUT-3SG  

What sort of gruel could it be?

{prosto}     o:Zi:-k.    
simply   water-PRED  

It was simply water.

{nu}     tabud-E     leg-i-te:-nu-m     iNl-u:-l     para:-gE.    
DP   that-ACC   eat-0-TR-IMPF-TR.3SG   afraid-INTR-AN   time-LOC  

At that terrible time she fed it to us.

taNnugi     Ojl'E,     n'E-leme     {n'e}     Ojl'E.    
then   no   NEG-what   NEG   no  

There was nothing then.

{kl'ep}     Ojl'E,     {maslo}     Ojl'E,     c'aj     Ojl'E,    
bread   no   butter   no   tea   no  
n'E-leme     Ojl'E.    
NEG-what   no  

No bread, no butter, no tea, there was nothing.

o:Zi:-k     {tol'ko}.    
water-PRED   only  

Only water.


That's how it was.

O:r-pE     ibil'E-Ni,     ibil'E-NidE     mon-i,     El=ibil'E-Ni-lE-k.    
child-PL   cry-3PL   cry-SS.COND   say-3SG   NEG-cry-PL-PROH-IMP  

The children cried, but she said: "Don't cry".

urun-gE     mot-tE-m,     c'istE     c'umu     {samIj}     juk-o:-l    
bed-LOC   sit-TR-TR.3SG   completely   all   most   small-V-AN  
O:-gElE     ti:     mid'-u-m,     min-dEllE     modo-j.    
child-ACC   here   take-0-TR.3SG   take-SS.PERF   sit-3SG  

She sat us down on the bench, took the smallest child and sat down herself.

While pronouncing this sentence, the speaker showed that the mother took the smallest child on her lap. That's what the word ti: 'here' refers to. Urun is a plank bed.

O:r-pE,     mon-i,     El=ibil'E-Ni-lE-k,     mon-i.    
child-PL   say-3SG   NEG-cry-PL-PROH-IMP   say-3SG  

She said: "Children, don't cry!"

mon-i,     tetc'e:-pE-gE     id'i:     ej-r-i:li,     mon-i,     tetc'e:-pE-Nin    
say-3SG   rich.person-PL-LOC   now   walk-NONIT-1PL   say-3SG   rich.person-PL-DAT  
id'i:     El=qolluj-Ni-lE-k.    
now   NEG-jelous-PL-PROH-IMP  

She said: "Now we go to the rich people, but don't envy them."

...     mon-i,     seri=No:t     kud-tE-j,     mon-i.    
...   say-3SG   war-TRANS   become-FUT-3SG   say-3SG  

She said: "The war will come.

The war in question is apparently the First World War.

seri=No:t     kude-l-o:-l     jola:     ...     {vojna}     kude-l-o:-l    
war-TRANS   become-0-RES-AN   after   ...   war   become-0-RES-AN  
jola:     tamun     ta-N     kis'il-gEt,     mon-i,     omo-s'E    
after   that   that-ATTR   end-ABL   say-3SG   good-IMPF.PART  
modo-l-gEt     tit     jaqa-tE-jEmEt,     mon-i.    
sit-AN-ABL   you.PL   reach-FUT-2PL   say-3SG  

When the war finishes, we will have a good life.

tamun     laNi,     mon-i,     {jesl'i}     El=am-dE-NidE,     mon-i.    
that   to   say-3SG   if   NEG-die-INTR-SS.COND   say-3SG  

If you don't die before then.

tamun     laNi     {t'erp'i}-Ni-k,     mon-i.    
that   to   have.patience-PL-IMP   say-3SG  

Until then have patience.

El=ibil'E-Ni-lE-k,     mon-i,     ta:-t-me:-j,     mon-i,     ...,     mon-i,    
NEG-cry-PL-PROH-IMP   say-3SG   there-ADV.ABL-QUAL-IMPF.PART   say-3SG   ...   say-3SG  
ta:-t-me:-j     omo-s'E     modo-l-gE     jaqa-tE-jEmEt,     mon-i.    
there-ADV.ABL-QUAL-IMPF.PART   good-IMPF.PART   sit-AN-LOC   reach-FUT-2PL   say-3SG  

Don't cry. We will have a very good life.

{il'i     Ze},     mon-i,     l'E     g'erman'ija     kej-dej-tE-m,    
if   DP   say-3SG   DP   Germany   before-PERF-FUT-TR.3SG  
mon-i,     {jesl'i}     g'erman'ija     kej-dej-tE-j,     mon-i,     {n'em'ec},    
say-3SG   if   Germany   before-PERF-FUT-3SG   say-3SG   German  
mon-i,     taNnugi     er-c'E     modo-l     o:-tE-j,     mon-i,    
say-3SG   then   bad-IMPF.PART   sit-AN   be-FUT-3SG   say-3SG  
{jesl'i}     sovetskoj     kej-dej-tE-m,     mon-i,     {znac'it}     omo-s'E    
if   Soviet   before-PERF-FUT-TR.3SG   say-3SG   then   good-IMPF.PART  
modo-l-gE     jaqa-tE-jEmEt,     mon-i.    
sit-AN-LOC   reach-FUT-2PL   say-3SG  

If Germany wins, life will be bad. If the Soviet power wins, then we will have a good life.

{maslo}-k     lek-tE-mEt,     mon-i,     i:legul-Ek     lek-tE-mEt,     omo-s'E    
butter-PRED   eat-FUT-OF.2PL   say-3SG   flour-PRED   eat-FUT-OF.2PL   good-IMPF.PART  
n'e:r     mer-e:-tE-mEt,     {rasno}-No:     n'e:r     {polno}     o:-tE-j,    
clothes   put.on-TR-FUT-TR.2PL   different-V   clothes   full   be-FUT-3SG  

We will eat butter and flour, we will wear nice clothes, there will be plenty of different clothes.

The verb rasnoNo: 'different' is uninflected.

naGa:     ningE-t-i,     mon-i.    
very   many-FUT-3SG   say-3SG  

Very many.

mus'in-bEn     c'istE     c'umu     l'E-t-i,     mon-i.    
different-N   completely   all   be-FUT-3SG   say-3SG  

There will be all sorts of things.

moro-tE-mEt     mure     aj     l'E-t-i,     mon-i.    
put.on-FUT-PERF.PART.2PL   shoes   also   be-FUT-3SG   say-3SG  

There will also be shoes to wear.

c'istE     c'umu     l'E-t-i,     mon-i.    
completely   all   be-FUT-3SG   say-3SG  

There will be everything.

{tak     Sto},     mon-i,     {t'erp'i}-Ni-k,     mon-i,     El=ibil'E-Ni-lE-k.    
so   what   say-3SG   have.patience-PL-IMP   say-3SG   NEG-cry-PL-PROH-IMP  

So be patient and don't cry.

tetc'e:-pE,     mon-i,     ta-N     para:-gE     Ojl'E-Ni-tE-j,     mon-i.    
rich.person-PL   say-3SG   that-ATTR   time-LOC   no-PL-FUT-3   say-3SG  

There won't be any rich people then.

Ojl'E-NidE     c'umut     n'E=tite     kud-tE-jli,     mon-i.    
no-SS.COND   all   REC-like   become-FUT-1PL   say-3SG  

Everybody will be the same.

tetc'e:     Ojl'E-t-i,     mon-i,     {b'ednIj}     Ojl'E-Ni-tE-j,     c'umut    
rich.person   no-FUT-3SG   say-3SG   poor   no-PL-FUT-3   all  
{od'inakovoj}=No:t     kud-tE-jli,     mon-i.    
similar-TRANS   become-FUT-1PL   say-3SG  

There won't be any rich people, there won't be any poor people, everybody will be similar."


That's how it was.

El=ibil'E-Ni-lE-k,     mon-i.    
NEG-cry-PL-PROH-IMP   say-3SG  

She said: "Don't cry."

mon-i,     d'E,     ta:s'ilE     mon-i,     kin     mit-kElE,    
say-3SG   DP   then   say-3SG   who   we-ACC  
mon-i,     leg-i-tE-t-u-m?    
say-3SG   eat-0-TR-FUT-0-TR.3SG  

Then she said: "Who will feed us?

ibil'E-NidE     El=ibil'E-NidE     {tak     i     tak},     mon-i,    
cry-SS.COND   NEG-cry-SS.COND   so   and   so   say-3SG  
{vs'o     ravno},     mon-i,     Ojl'E,     mon-i.    
all   same   say-3SG   no   say-3SG  

Whether you cry or not, anyway there is nothing.

Ojl'E-NidE     qo-t     qoj-t     jO:-tE-mEt,     qo-t     nuk-tE-mEt,    
no-SS.COND   what-ADV.ABL   what-ADV.ABL   see-FUT-TR.2PL   what-ADV.ABL   find-FUT-TR.2PL  

If there is nothing, where will you see something? Where will you find something?

{luc'SE},     mon-i,     ti:     iNZ-u:-Ni-k,     {baju     baju    
better   say-3SG   here   sleep-INTR-PL-IMP   hush   hush  
baju     baj}.    
hush   hush  

You better get asleep here, hush!"

{vot     tak.}    
so   so  

That's how it was.