
About the meetings

The Finno-Ugrian Society holds nine meetings a year. Each meeting includes a scientific presentation related to the societys field of operation.

The meetings are held in hybrid format: participants may attend in person at the House of Science and Letters (Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki, lecture hall 104) or remotely. The meetings begin at 18:15.

To participate remotely, please register at

Our meetings are free of charge and open to everyone. Welcome!

Presenters in the autumn 2024 semester

20 Sep. Prof. Rogier Blokland (University of Uppsala): Saamenkielinen Isä meidän -käännös 1500-luvulta
18 Oct. PhD Kaisla Kaheinen (University of Helsinki)
15 Nov. PhL Anna-Mari Immonen (University of Helsinki)
2 Dec. Annual meeting, Prof. Riho Grünthal

The topics of the October, November, and December presentations will be announced later.